May 10, 2018
1. Think low & slow.
Game meat is much leaner that what we are used to cooking from the supermarkets; pasture-fed animals lead fairly inactive lifestyles, whereas true game roams free meaning it will be much less fatty in most cases. Stews are a wonderful way to cook meat and are hearty and warming. Try using a tagine to cook game meats like venison. Beef and lamb also lend themselves to this Moroccan technique. You could even try using a chicken brick for partridge or pheasant and of course...chicken.
Meat, like any other natural product, tastes best when eaten seasonally. We are so used to going to the supermarket ailes and pick up anything we'd like, without considering seasonality. But we are denying ourselves natures best bits! Chicken is a pretty safe bet year round; but goose, partridge, pheasant and turkey are winter wonders. The Spring and summer months give way to wonderful lamb and beef. Speak to a butcher or specialist supplier about what is in season and enjoy variety.
3. Waste not, want not.
4. Compliment your chosen meat.
Think about your chosen cut and choose complimentary flavours and textures. Game meat in particular can have a much stronger flavour that farm raised animals, so season accordingly and pair with contrasting accompaniments. Try sweet fruits and wines with partridge and venison. Or go for a spicy curry for rabbit or duck. The world is your oyster so experiment and you might just discover the next big thing. Remember to season and balance sweet, salty, sour, bitter and the all important umami.
5. Serve with panache!
We eat with our eyes, so dress your dish to impress! Serve cold meats on a rustic slate board with some crunchy fresh fruits and veg like grapes and radishes, along with some crusty bread and cut honeycomb. Plate up roasted delights on attractive serving platters, surrounded with some glazed root vegetables and crispy roast potatoes. Get creative and channel your inner chef, as well as you inner artist.
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