St. Eval Retreat Collection - All

The St. Eval Retreat Collection comprised of 3 scents to help you re-group, relax and renew. This smaller sized tin candle has a burnt time of up to 25 hours, a great gift for someone who needs a bit of self care.

Mediate - Deeply relaxing copal for mindful practice

Purify - Clear mind and space with soothing sage

Renew - Awaken and refocus with tangerine, lime, and herbs

Up to 25 hours burnt time.

Each tin - 6.5cm x 6.5cm 

St. Eval still hand pour all their candle in the north of Cornwall, see below for additional candle safety advice.
Ensure the wick is kept trimmed to approximately 5mm in length to control the flame height and burn time
Avoid burning candles in draughty areas to encourage an even burn
Burn candles for 3-4 hours at a time to achieve optimum burn and longevity.
Never leave a burning candle unattended or around children and pets.

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